Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

More Marketing to Kids - Milk

"All aboard ... the chocolate milk train!"

This is just way too clever. The American Dairy Council released this tape of kids songs. All of the songs are about milk. They have great wacky singers with silly, wacky song voices.
The Chocolate Milk Train
The Smoothie Song
Drink Milk Everyday

The songs are very catchy. Kids love them. (OK - maybe some adults do, too!)

Each morning on the short drive from home to my daughter's pre-school, we crank up the milk songs and sing at the top of our lungs. We know all of the words.

The milk songs are stuck in my brain - and my daughter's brain, too. This explains why--suddenly in the middle of the day--one or both of us will have a craving for chocolate milk.

The weird thing is that no one in my house knows where this tape came from - it just sort of appeared. Maybe these were sent home from school. Who knows? Who cares? Just pass me the milk, please.

And a huge WOW to the marketing geniuses at the American Dairy Council.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where I can buy this tape? I also remember hearing this tape about ten years ago.

10:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could find this somewhere online! I really want to hear these songs again! My little sister got this randomly and we always listened to it in the car and when buying a new van once I think we forgot it there.

12:29 AM


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