Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Harnessing the Power of Web 2.0: What's Required?

I had the pleasure to co-present a seminar on Web 2.0 for a group of business leaders in Charleston, West Virginia, last Friday morning. Thanks to all of you who attended! We had a record-setting crowd of 50+ in attendance. (If you are here as a result, please post a comment and say "hi.")

As always, I learn as much as I teach from seminars. And I especially love the Q&A part. At Friday's event one of the attendees really articulated what to me was the payoff question: What does it take to commit to maintaining a blog, a Facebook page, a LinkedIn page and a Twitter presence? And what results do you get from doing so?

What a great question! So here's what I said: I spend about 45 minutes every other day on my various Web 2.0 activities.

My goal is to post a new blog article every day (and I cited Charleston blogger and photographer extraordinaire, Rick Lee, as someone who sets the standard for this). I am averaging about 2-3 posts per week and hoping to do better.

I am sporadic with my Twittering (or Twitter chirps) - and do so as the mood strikes me. But I can see how it can become addictive. I visit LinkedIn about once a week. On Facebook, I log in and update about once every other day. However, the new chat function appears to be first-class and adds to its appeal.

Now, what about the return on this investment of time? Here's what I have received in return:

Maple Creative has attained outstanding Google visibility. We are positioned on the first or second page of Google search results for our desired search phrases (marketing firm WV, for example). We have gotten paying clients who have come to us as a result. There's no way that we could have attained such search engine positioning or visibility in an organic manner without all of our Web 2.0 activities.

Our company has won awards or recognition for our blog. (See graphics at top of page.) And we continue to receive acclaim as a marketing firm who "get social media." This helps to differentiate us from our competitors and bolsters our credibility.

Maple Creative has achieved subject matter expertise on a number of topics and practice areas that are directly related to blog topics and backed by work that we've done. I get about one new media inquiry (from out of market) per month on various topics, including "how to repair a damaged reputation."

Those are the facts. I would say without hesitation that it is well worth the time and effort!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to commend you and Jason Keeling for a great job. The session was very interesting with so much pertinent and useful information. You two worked so well together, and the presentation was easy to understand and very applicable.

I especially liked that you were presenting about a topic that you each had actual experience dealing with. You both knew what steps needed to be taken, what to do, and what not to do for beginners in the web 2.0 world – because you had made the mistakes and worked the kinks out before.

I wanted to say well done. I look forward to more workshops on Web 2.0 and new social media outlets. Check out our land-grant institution's blog at

1:54 PM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Thank you for your kind comment. I'm glad that you found our presentation valuable. Glad to have you as part of the community of marketing geniuses!

4:47 PM

Blogger Robin said...

I attended the Web 2.0 presentation also (and actually sat next to Todd -- until he left for his event). It was very enlightening. There have been several changes in the way businesses network over the past few years. It's difficult to keep up with all the changes.

I was glad to hear some of your suggestions relating to keeping everything up-to-date. I wasn't aware of Twitter before last week, but now have an account. I do have a blog, a myspace and merchant circle account and, of course, a web page. I struggle trying to keep relative, current posts up.

I love the SCORE B4B events! They are always very informative. Again, thanks!

Robin Holstein

10:25 AM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Robin- thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. I'm glad you found the information and recommendations from our Web 2.0 presentation useful. I saw you on Twitter and am now following your Twitter stream. Stay in touch. I wish you much success!

10:02 PM


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