Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Scarcity and the 94% Factor

As the founder and leader of this blog, I am issuing a public apology. I am sincerely sorry that there have been so few posts of new material over the past several months.

November - 1 post
December - None
January - 2 posts
February - Zilch
March - 2 posts to date (including this one)

Scarcity? That's pretty obvious. New material has been scarce here. That will change.

The 94% factor? Allow me to explain.

Over the past six-month period, our team at Maple Creative (the marketing firm of which I am a co-owner) has worked at 94% utilization. Whew! What a stretch it has been! Virtually every available hour across our 14-person team has been devoted to serving our clients. To say we've been busy taking care of our clients would be an understatement. We're thrilled to do it, and we hope it continues. That's what it take to grow our business. Serving clients has been, and always will be job number one.

Along the way, this blog has taken a back seat. It has been unfortunate, but it was what it took to get the work done for our clients.

Going forward, I'm making a renewed commitment to this blog and to you, our marketing genius reader. Won't you please stick with us, as we learn to balance the demands of a growing marketing firm? And, by all means, please tell us what you'd like to see here.

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Blogger oncee said...

Hi Skip,

Keep up the good work. It was nice to meet you the other day. I'm sorry I was a little distracted at the time.

9:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog and have learned a lot from your posts. So I am hungry for more. But I understand being busy. So don't fret. But do feed me soon!!!

7:08 AM

Blogger Lee Kraus said...

Skip, I am new to your blog, but I've added you to my reader.


7:23 AM


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