Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Far From...Enough Already!@#$!

I apologize in advance for the rant, but I’ve absolutely had it with the Far from X…Close to Y, or Close to X... Far From Y type slogans, taglines and attempts at positioning statements. They’re everywhere from parks to casinos, golf courses to restaurants.

Relax, if you have one of these ‘catch slogans’ you’re grandfathered and you can continue to use such a tagline – you were a ‘trendsetter’ I suppose. But, everybody else, it’s too late; from this point forward permission to use any form of the aforementioned is hereby denied.

There comes a time when you just have to move on; find a way of saying the same thing without saying the same thing – you know what I mean? But right now these type of expressions have gotten to the point that they’re simply, Close to Lame…Far from Genius.

Come on people. We can do better!

p.s. Are there others that drive you nuts? Let's hear 'em.


Blogger Adam said...

I am sick of companies who have names that include "solutions." It takes more than changing your name to "solution" to grasp the marketing concept of "solving problems for customers, and not selling"

plus, the names sound cheap to me. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I think it is another trendy marketing tactic.

11:42 AM

Blogger Carey said...

It's not really a slogan that's had me all worked up lately. Rather, it's an ad. Suddenlink has been using an spoof of eHarmony's successful ad campaign. They play on their unlimited calling program through their new phone service and compare it to the connections made through eHarmony.

Suddenlink uses the theme song associated with eHarmony. The "narrator" is dressed as the creator of eHarmony and speaks softly. I feel sorry for eHarmony b/c this could taint their brand and they didn't have anything to do with this ad. The first time I saw this ad I thought it was an eHarmony ad for the first few seconds of the spot.

Isn't there something that eHarmony (or other companies) can do to prevent something like this?

9:12 AM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...


I'm with you on the "solutions" thing!

Thanks for lending your voice to the conversation.


8:09 PM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...


A spoof ad is a risky play in any circumstance. I think your commentary makes a compelling point as to the foibles of the TV ad and its effects. If a groundswell of other audience members (like you) feel that the spoof ad is bad, the company is already being penalized by the marketplace imposing a strong deduction against its brand equity.

Thanks for your sharing your thoughtful observation!


8:15 PM


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