Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tell Us!

Considering the fact that a whopping 75% of consumers rate “word of mouth” as the #1 influencer of their purchase decision, what is your business doing that makes people talk?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question that everyone should be asking themselves. In this context you might find this new book an insightful read -

4:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that Crocs Inc. has a very small marketing campaign? They rely on word-of-mouth marketing to sell their products.

Despite only a small marketing campaign, Crocs became popular in the United States and elsewhere because of word-of-mouth praise for their comfort, bright colors, light weight (about six ounces), and unique design. (

8:34 AM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Thanks for weighing in on this conversation. The book you mentioned sounds pretty interesting.


11:14 AM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Dear Anonymous/ J.J.-

Thanks for your insightful comment. What a great example! We're glad that you are a part of the marketing genius community.


11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The use of WOM does work when recommending a brand, particularly when it is coming from someone of familiarity or who is trust-worthy.

WOM, as opposed to weighty, advertising intervention, can increase interest and sales. However, when you need to guide a specific group of buyers/users to the brand/service, formal advertising can be that leverage and therefore allow informal WOM to follow and influence other potential buyers/users.

2:30 PM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Dear anonymous commenter- Thanks for adding to the knowledge base on WOM.

4:34 PM


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