Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hail to the Marketing Geniuses at Saks Fifth Avenue!

One of my favorite things about being in the marketing business is the chance to do really out-of-the-box promotions. I’m always on the lookout for unique ways to - literally - make people stop in their tracks and pay attention to clients.

Today, my beloved Saks Fifth Avenue in New York City made ME stop with their “Want It” campaign. Here’s why I think Saks’ marketing rocks:

> They’ve clearly defined tourists as their target audience for this campaign and are not trying to be all things to all people.

> Their promotional window is tight enough to generate real don’t-miss-out enthusiasm.

> Their design is impeccable and features Dutch graphic artist Piet Paris. (Note: I haven’t heard of him either. What matters is that Saks is turning advertising into “art” and thereby increasing the cache of their own brand.)

> They’re wrapping a NYC double-decker tourist bus with said impeccable design and taking tourists to / from the usual sightseeing locations to Saks’ flagship store. Tourists will also be greeted by Saks’ very own guides – donned in “Want it” attire – who will offer advice on the latest trends…and just might mention where to find them.

> They’re partnering with the usual tourists stops to offer very UNusual experiences to Saks customers, including the opportunity to ring the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange and private tours of the Whitney museum.

This is a terrific campaign. It’s unique, it’s MULTI-LAYERED (a trait our loyal readers know we love here at Marketing Genius), and it’s fun. So kudos to the Marketing Geniuses at Saks Fifth Avenue. We salute you!



Blogger Todd Thomas said...

This definitely out of the box. All the elements have a specific function supporting the primary message. Although there is not too much out there about the fashion illustrator Piet Paris, his work has appeared in Elle, promoted such clients as Estee Lauder, and has even graced the figure of Madonna. Not too bad of a resume.

9:01 PM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

CT - Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts on this new look for Macy's. We are glad to have you as part of the community of marketing genius.


10:15 PM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

CT - Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts on this new look for Macy's. We are glad to have you as part of the community of marketing genius.


10:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This campaign stop my tracks too!

8:18 AM

Blogger Skip Lineberg said...

Hi Susan! Thanks for joining the conversation. We are so glad to have you as part of the community of marketing geniuses!


4:45 PM


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