Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What Does Tiger Woods Have that You Don’t?

If you’re not as successful as you’d like to be, I’d argue its focus. In fact, as I was watching Tiger win the British Open today, it occurred to me that his whole game (and whole life for that matter) is a study in focus. The lesson? Greatness is achieved through the ability to concentrate on what’s important, and ignore the siren call of what’s not.

Along those lines, I commend one of my clients who recognized that their staff was being pulled in too many directions by Board members, committee whims, vendors – even their own lack of direction – and decided to do something about it. In short, they created what I call a “Proclamation of Focus”, which is essentially a letter that outlines what their priorities are for the upcoming year. Here’s an excerpt:

“We must recognize that our resources, particularly staff resources, are very limited. It is incumbent on the Board to allow the staff to focus (as well as focusing their own time and effort) on those areas most likely to make the biggest difference.

If we can do that, we will succeed. If we are distracted from that focus, we will fail. In this critical time, activities undertaken must be evaluated as they relate to this plan, and above all, as they relate to two key considerations: mission and financial bottom line. If an activity does not relate to mission, it must be one that will have a significant impact on the bottom line. If it meets neither criterion, then it is simply not something we can concern itself with at this time.”

Isn’t that great? It goes on to list the organization’s ten goals for the year, followed by the steps needed to achieve them – in bullets no less. As their director said to me recently, “If it’s on the document, we’ll do it. If it’s not, we won’t.”

I think Tiger would be proud.


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