Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Welcome to the Second Half

With July here, this is a friendly reminder to all of our readers that the year 2005 is half over. This fact can be a somewhat brutal reality; time flies, doesn't it?

So, with half of the year gone, how are you doing with respect to your marketing plan? Are you halfway (or more) there on accomplishment of your 2005 goals and objectives?

If you are, congratulations! You are likely among the minority of business people.

And if you are not, it may be time to pick up the pace!

Here's to you, marketing geniuses. Have a great second half!


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