Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Public Relations in IMC

This week's discussion I am instructed to do a search for a story about a new product launch, like Coca-Cola Blak:

In addition to the story placement, what other public relations tactics were used to introduce this product? What tactics could have been used that were not?

This week, I need suggestions for a product with superior examples of public relations efforts, as well as your thoughts, opinions and answers to these questions.

Thanks again! Hope to hear from you!

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Blogger Skip Lineberg said...


Public relations is a strategic process of maintain an ongoing dialog with the public. As opposed to marketing, where we are communications are focused on specific, targeted audience segments, PR is more broad.

Some common examples of PR include:

Sponsorships & philanthropy
General purpose Web site
Partnerships with education
General informational brochures
Tours - HQ, office, factory
Press conferences
Press releases
Crisis communications
Responses to general inquiries

Good luck with your report!


11:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,
As a fellow IMC student, I know your pain! I remember answering this same question last year. You've likely already found your topic at this point, so I probably have little to offer in terms of suggestions, but here's one piece of advice to carry throughout the IMC program: To find a subject for the post, try looking at products you use and enjoy yourself - and don't ignore junk mail offers anymore!

I started with a direct mail piece I received promoting a new product from Listerine, which I would've normally tossed. A little research uncovered some terrific PR tactics that supported the launch. I found more than I expected to find in fact! Thank goodness for the World Wide Web!

Incidentally, I never tossed the direct mail piece and recently used it again as a subject in my direct marketing course.

Good luck in the program!


8:23 AM

Blogger Carrie Bowe said...

you're an amazing always =] Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

12:11 PM


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