Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Friday, March 10, 2006

How Do You Know?

I loved the previous post by Jim Nester! I am a self-diagnosed research geek.

Once you discover the power of research, especially in marketing, it's like having your eyes opened ... like having an extra level of awareness.

I had the pleasure of teaching a half-day seminar on "Bootstrap Marketing" this week. The seminar was held in Wheeling, West Virginia. The participants were from the non-profit sector. Most were executive directors, marketing staff ... even some board members. Some of the participants were the founders of their organizations! (By the way, the seminar was arranged by The Wellspring Center of Mission West Virginia. Thanks, Jen!)

Naturally, part of the seminar focused on research. One of the participants offered the following observation:

"Those of us in the not-for-profit world, or in government agencies, continue to offer the same old services, year after year after year. We really don't know if anyone is still interested in these services. Not only that, but we rarely ask our audience what other needs they might have."

So, marketing geniuses, here's my challenge to you--especially those of you in the government or non-profit sectors: take the time and the trouble to find out what your audience (or whatever you call them ... clientele, constituency, served public, etc.) wants. Do a survey. Run an opinion poll. Pull together a couple of focus groups. It's really not that hard. Find out if your customers are still interested in "buying" what you're "selling." And, just as importantly, find out what else they may want or need!


Blogger Jen said...

The training was so helpful and I know that it will impact the work of the attendees. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

Also, we appreciate the plug....THANKS!

For any nonprofit interested in attending any of our free seminars, please visit our training schedule at

Thanks again Skip!

9:20 AM


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