Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Marketing with a Donkey

There he was, Zipper, the donkey from the Super Bowl ad.

The donkey that wanted to be a Clydesdale.

People grinned, smiled and got a pretty good feeling looking at the little fellow as he stood in his pen next to the mammoth Clydesdale horses.

Again, Budweiser wins. Guys like me look at the donkey and remember a funny commercial.

My kids, want to know more about the donkey. My wife thinks it's funny that they actually went to the effort to have the donkey with the horses.

It made it seem that the commercial was real! I felt good about the donkey, he made it, his dream to run with the Clydesdales became a reality.

Then it kept getting better. We could get our picture taken with the horses (and the donkey).
My kids got to ride a mini-Clydesdale-motorized horse ride after the looked at and petted the horses (an donkey).

Then you could go into an air conditioned store (man it was hot) and buy beer steins, shirts, hats, shot glasses, mini-beer wagon replicas, horse busts (yes, horse heads) in a variety of sizes to display on your desk on the corner of your home.

The Busch folks did it again - complete activation.

They immersed each member of my family with the iconic symbolism of their brand.

Again, great memories.

As we left the horses (and the donkey) we approached a bridge and I began hearing the faint sounds of patriotic music.


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