Marketing Genius from Maple Creative


Marketing tips, observations & philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings - from those who practice, preach and teach marketing, research, advertising, public relations and business strategy.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Five Benefits

In marketing we are constantly advising our clients to promote the benefits of their product or service, instead of features or functions.

"This new device has a 65 Terabytes of bandwidth and a 125 gigahertz processor."

So what!

You have to tell me what that will mean to me. Anyone attempting to promote or sell anything must drill down with your thinking until you get to the real benefits.

What's the benefit, then? In this case I can think of two: make more money and have more time to spend with family. The device works faster so you will get work done more quickly, enabling you to shave time off your work day to devote to family. Or, you can do more work in a given time period and (ostensibly) make more money.

A PR consultant from New York City taught me that there are really only five benefits that anyone can mention. According to Rick, it does not matter what the product is or what industry one inhabits, you have to present your case so that you tell your audience within the first ten seconds of your message which one of the five possible benefits you are offering.

There are five, period. F-I-V-E.

Are you ready for them?

Here goes:

1. Make me wealthy
2. Improve my appearance
3. Help me to be more well-liked by my family or friends
4. Make me live longer
5. Get me laid more often

Money, looks, popularity, health and sex. That's it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a link to your post on a friend's blog. I brought up the question, "Will it entertain me?"

Think of an iPod or a video game console, such as the XBOX 360. In my opinion, these products don't really fall into those categories.

My friend suggested that entertainment may fall under one of the other 5 benefits. What are your thoughts?

12:08 PM


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